Sunday, December 11, 2005

we've started talking names...

Kinda scary but we spent last night and this morning talking about possible names. Given we have a 98% chance of getting a girl from China, we figured we were pretty safe in sticking to the girl name debate. It's an interesting process trying to name your child. I mean finding a name you both like, that isn't outrageously popular, that goes with your last name well....the add in wanting to honor a family member or two and her Chinese heritage...yipes. But hey, at least we have some time to work on it. We did decide we would not announce anything until after the referral, partly because we think we will incorporate her given Chinese name as a middle name. Plus, that way we can look at her picture and see what fits. We may even wait until we get her to officially announce it, but we haven't decided that one yet.
In other news, I decided to get running again. I had stopped because of the whole trying to conceive thing and my doctors worries that long distance running my be contributing to our problems. Now after fertility treatments and too much comfort food, I have gained 15 lbs and have aches and pains I didn't have before.
SO we joined the Greater Derry Track Club today which seems like a great local running club. We also went out for a morning jog this morning since the roads were clear and it was sunny out. I only went about 2 miles, but it felt good to get out there. I also didn't want to hurt myself by doing too much too soon. So I plan on running a half marathon in the spring and the NH marathon 9/30/2006 if we aren't traveling for the adoption then.
I typed up our official financial statement for the adoption dossier yesterday as well. So now we wait on getting those doctors forms back and our homestudy finalized and we are in business :)


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Kerstin said...

I stumbled upon your blog and just wanted to say Good Luck. I have a cousin who is Korean, adopted by my dad's sister. It was a tough experience, but well worth it for everyone!

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Courtney said...

Hey Jenn I just wanted to tell ya my family were members og the GDTC when we lived in Londonderry. We made a lot of life long friends being part of the club. There are a bunch of great people to run with:)


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