Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Nursery started and looking at clothes....:)

I can't believe I am admitting this, but I have started buying baby clothes :) Started innocently enough as perusing the baby clothes when at Marshalls, then I saw some really cute stuff pretty darned cheap, so I bought a few outfits. Sizes are interesting because Chinese babies tend to run a bit smaller than the standard american baby sizes....We also won't know how old she is until we get our referral, and then we won't have much time. So I have started to by stuff ranging from 6 month to 18 month size assuming we'll get her late fall early winter. This should save us money in the long run if I guess right, but will end up costing more if I guessed wrong.... ah well. We plan on bringing a variety of sizes with us to China and donating anything too small to the orphanage there.
We have also started thinking nursery design. THe previous owners of our house put up wallpaper trim border with animals on it. I am thinking of taking it down and giving the room a fresh coat of a light yellow or beige paint. We are definitely going with oak toned wood for the crib since we already have a dresser that will double as a changing table, and the room has wood trim around the closet and windows. I orders a few pieces of wall art from I can't wait until they come in :) I also found great crib bedding that I love, so hopefully I'll get that soon.
As far as the paperchase goes, I finally have my doctors appointment scheduled for Tuesday 12/27 for the remaining tests they need for the dossier. Bill has his this Friday. We got all of the paperwork notarized last week. Our homestudy is written but waiting on the Indiana criminal background check and a couple of our references to arrive to be finalized. As soon as that is finalized we can start the last paper work push and get on the official waiting train :)
Hopefully our last holiday season just the two of us!!!!


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