I got my haircut on Tuesday and donated it to an organization that makes wigs for women undergoing chemotherapy who cannot afford a nice wig. Trying to get used to ahving no hair still, but I like the cut :)
We just purchased a domain name for the baby's website. I'll post the link once it's up and running.
Rumor has it that some people with LIDs in March are in the review room! For those unfamiliar with the process there are lots of steps....Once you complete your dossier and get approval from US immigration and homeland security, you submit your documents to China (DTC). Then the CCAA logs you into their system (your LID date). This LID date is what puts you in line for your referral. All agencies are treated equally in the Chinsee adoption system, so all LIDs of a certain date will get their referrals at the same time. Once your documents are logged in, they sit around a long time. The first place they go is the "review room." This is wear officials read through everything, make sure you have all documents in order and that you qualify as an adoptive family. As a part of this process, some families are asked to provide further information (such as more detailed medical history or clarification on something). Once you make it through the review room, you wait in the matching room to be matched with your child. Since we have an LID in April, having March families in the review room means we are getting close to at least moving a step in the process. The CCAA has officially reviewed all dossiers with an LID of December 31, 2005 or earlier and this point. Referrals are still averaging 13-14 months right now and we are waiting for the next batch to see if that wait changed at all....
wait wait wait....
back to my quilting :)